Why should my business remain open for all?
Do you believe in a fair & equitable marketplace for all Australians?
The Human Rights Commission warns that “vaccine passports may have significant implications for privacy and autonomy, freedom of movement and association, equity and discrimination, particularly when it comes to accessing everyday services.”
The Commission also states that any blanket COVID-19 policies or conditions “may breach federal discrimination law.”
Legal and ethical implications aside, turning clients and customers away makes little commercial sense. Businesses not only stand to lose those who have not had a COVID-19 vaccine; plenty of vaccinated people also disagree with the idea of a ‘show your papers’ policy and the two-tier society it will create. We’ve seen this in countries like France and Italy, where many vaccinated people protested in solidarity with those who declined the vaccine.
Won’t a vaccine passport system protect my staff and customers?
It has been widely reported that is still possible for a vaccinated person to catch and transmit COVID-19. Therefore, enforcing a ‘vaccine passport’ system will not guarantee the health or safety of your staff and customers.
What are the benefits of registering with openforall.com.au?
Openforall.com.au is set to become the public’s go-to resource for finding businesses willing to serve everyone. Consumers can search for participating businesses by geographic area and business type.
Participation is free and entitles you to:
- A listing in the online directory
- A ‘Proudly Open For All’ website badge
- The digital image file for a shopfront window sticker which you can have printed for display at your business premises
The #OpenforallAU team may also invite your business to be featured in a profile piece about why you’ve taken this stance. These promos will be shared across our social media platforms.
Our company is a large chain with multiple sites. How do I register all of these?
Please start by filling out the online registration form for one of your sites. Tick the box that says “Do you have multiple sites/branches to register?”
Our administrative team will then get in touch to help get your other sites listed in the directory.
Who is behind this campaign?
#OpenforallAU is a not-for-profit campaign run by volunteers who are passionate about preserving a fair and inclusive marketplace for everyone. We are not affiliated with any political party; our sole agenda is to publicise and celebrate businesses that continue to serve all members of the public.
We have no intentions to sell anything, collect any revenue or provide services beyond free listings for legitimate businesses.
If you have further questions, you are welcome to contact us.